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Frogtown features a lively mix of jigs, reels, polkas, marches, and waltzes from across the globe.   We play a variety of music from Canada, Scotland, Ireland, France, Sweden, and Appalachian Old Time to ensure that there is something for everyone in the mix.  The group members are Janet Anders on flute and penny-whistle, Nancy Holmes bowing fiddle and violin, Cleve Yocom on concertina, Tim Cavileer on guitar and mandolin,  Bob Chenoweth on bodhran, bones, and assorted percussion, Tim Hatten squeezing the piano accordion, and Dave Vollmer plucking the upright bass.   The name Frogtown is a nod to an old Moscow neighborhood at the bottom of Morton street near Hogg Creek.  This part of town was known for a local resident's sawmill and the cacophony of frog calls that came from the creek.   Perhaps the music of Frogtown mimics the symphony of frog calls (ribbits, chirps, and hoots) and the sounds of nature that emanated from the area on a warm Summer's eve?  We suspect an occasional similarity - you decide!

March 14

Bill LaVoie

March 18

James Margolis